EmarelleTM The Elegant Machine-Room-Less Hydraulic Elevator
The following articles and manuals can be downloaded for your information.
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Low-rise Machine-Room-Less Elevator 2 to 3 Stops
Low-rise Hydraulic EmarelleTM 4 pages color brochure with information on the low-rise hydraulic Emarelle where performance and simplicity combine for unsurpassed economy
Mid-rise Machine-Room-Less Elevator 4 to 10 Stops
EmarelleTM The Elegant Machine-Room-Less Hydraulic Elevator - Six page color brochure with information of Emarelle the elegant Machine-room-less Hydraulic Elevator. (emarelle_broc_ebook.pdf, 956K) 2009
PowerPoint Presentation - (emarelle-ppt.zip, 21M)
Specifications Sheet - (emarelle_specifications_rev1.doc, 106K)
Typical Layout Drawings
- Emarelle Cwt #2000, (DWG, 231K)
- Emarelle Cwt #2500, (DWG, 290K)
- Emarelle Cwt #3000, (DWG, 299K)
- Emarelle Cwt #3500, (DWG, 293K)
- Emarelle Cwt Hospital-Service #4000, (DWG, 407K)
Poster (8.5 x 11) - (emarelle_poster.jpg, 398K)